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Try it! Get the free ImageExport demo

Follow these instructions whether you want to purchase and use ImageExport right away or just try the free ImageExport demo. In fact, we strongly recommend that you try out the demo first, then purchase ImageExport if you like it.

The demo you download and install now becomes a full, unlimited version once you purchase ImageExport. When you purchase ImageExport, you'll receive an email with a registration number and other information that will convert the demo into a registered, unlimited copy of ImageExport. You won't have to download or install anything else.

Here's all you need to do:

Get PowerPoint ready

Before you start, make sure your PowerPoint security settings don't prevent installation. You'll need to temporarily set them as described below. We'll show you how to reset them to a safe level once installation is complete.

Ready? Here we go:

Download and install ImageExport

Try ImageExport out

Reset PowerPoint security

Congratulations! ImageExport is now installed.

Please take a few minutes to look over the rest of this site to learn more about ImageExport

If you're short of time, Basic ImageExport setup and use will get you started.

You can always come back here for more info later - just click the Help icon on the ImageExport toolbar or choose PPTools, ImageExport, Help from the main PowerPoint menu bar.

Oh, and of course if you're so moved, click I love it! How can I buy ImageExport?

And thanks for using PPTools

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