Create a self-running web slide show
By using an automatic redirect and some of PPT2HTML's little tricks, you can create a web-based slide show that automatically advances to the next slide. Include this in the header of your template:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; URL=:next:">
When you create and view your HTML presentation, it will automatically advance to the next slide every five seconds.
But if you already have slide timings in your PowerPoint presentation, use this instead:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content=":Slide.AdvanceTime:; URL=:Nav.Next:">
:Slide.AdvanceTime: picks up and inserts the Slide Advance Time you set in PowerPoint when you created your presentation, so the advance times in the web version of your presentation will be the same as those you see when you view your PowerPoint presentation in PowerPoint or the viewer.
Advice to the unwary
Auto-running shows on the web are neat, but be careful:
- I may be less interested in the contents of a slide than you think I'll be.
- Or I might be a way fast reader. Zip, flip, new slide, read it, got it. C'mon, c'mon, get on with it.
- Or maybe I'm so totally captivated with your graphics and prose that five seconds just isn't nearly enough time to fully appreciate and admire the magnificence of each slide.
Here's the point: always include navigation links so the I can control the show if I don't like the pace your auto-advance sets. PPT2HTML makes it simple: just add action buttons in your PPT presentation. PPT2HTML converts them automatically to links in your web pages.
Here endeth the sermon.
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