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No templates only Diagnostic Template is available in Preferences dialog box

PPT2HTML normally looks for templates in the folder where it's installed. When you open the Preferences dialog box, it puts all of the HTM files it finds there in the Template File: dropdown list box so you can choose the one you'd like to use.

You can have it look in any other folder you like. Typing the path to a different folder in the Template Folder: text box or click the Browse button next to it and choose the folder you want PPT2HTML to look in for templates.

In some circumstances, the Template Folder might get set to a folder with no templates. In that case, no templates will be available to choose from the Template File list box or you may see only a Diagnostic template. If that occurs, usually you'll want to set the Template Folder back to the folder where PPT2HTML is installed. Here's how to do that:

You may need to Cancel then reopen the Preferences dialog to force it to list the templates.

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