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PPT2HTML in Detail

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How does PPT2HTML handle links and other PowerPoint features?

PPT2HTML converts most of PowerPoint's Action Settings and Links automatically.

PPT2HTML creates HTML links to the appropriate HTML file for the following Action Settings:

Run Program Links

PPT2HTML can convert PowerPoint's Run Program action settings, but getting them to work correctly from within a browser when someone visits your site can be tricky and depends on:

Because of the number of variables involved, we can't offer technical support for Run Program action settings. We can help you verify that PPT2HTML has created the link properly. We can't guarantee that the link will work on all systems.

Links to Sounds

PPT2HTML converts links to sound files in your PPT to javascript actions that play the sound when the user clicks the link in the browser. When it encounters sound links during conversion to HTML, PPT2HTML attempts to copy linked sounds or export embedded sounds to the output folder along with the other HTML files. This way, all you need to do is upload the entire folder to your web server and everything will work properly.

Links to Movies

PPT2HTML converts links to movie files in your PPT to HTML links to the movie file. PPT2HTML attempts to copy linked movies to the output folder along with the other HTML files. This way, all you need to do is upload the entire folder to your web server and everything will work properly. The links in your HTML files will be relative (just the file, no path) so it won't matter where you upload them, so long as they're in the same folder as the HTML files.

There are a few things you should understand:

If you want to include narration in your HTML presentation, it's generally best to use only one sound per slide and make that the slide's Transition sound. See the section on slide transitions in PPT2HTML Placeholder Reference for more info and also check Javascript for slide transition sounds for a bit of Javascript code you can add to your templates to make these sounds play automatically when the HTML page loads.

You can also get one sound to play through the entire presentation if you like. It's a bit tricky and involves frames and a bit of manual HTML editing. See Play a sountrack across multiple slides (uses frames) to learn how.

What PPT2HTML won't convert

PPT2HTML doesn't convert several general classes of PPT features:

That last item is a hint. We've added dozens of new features to PPT2HTML because one of our customers asked us to.

Just a few examples:

If you have a way of coding a feature into your templates and need to use specific info from your presentation to do it, talk to us. Make a reasonable case for a new placeholder, show us an example template that illustrates what you have in mind and we'll make every effort to accommodate you.

Basically, if PowerPoint will tell us what your template needs to know, we'll help you work out a way of getting the info.

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