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The PLAINTEXT template for screenreader users

This template converts a presentation to a series of plain-text HTML pages that include the text from each slide's Title and Body placeholders. This makes the presentation accessible to visitors who use screen readers or other assistive devices to read the text on your site.

Template contents:

<p>Slide :Slide.Number: of :File.TotalSlides:</p>
<CENTER><H2>:Slide.Ph.SubtitleText:</H2></CENTER><FONT SIZE="4">:Slide.Ph.BodyText1_AsBullets.HTML:</FONT>
<TD><CENTER><A accesskey="H" HREF=":Prefs.Homepage:">PPT2HTML Sample Conversions page</A></CENTER></TD>

And now, the line by line explanation:


These are the standard HTML headers and Page Title as explained in The BASIC template


PPT2HTML substitutes the slide's title text for the :Slide.Ph.TitleText: placeholder.
The HTML code above makes it an HTML H1 headline and centers it.

<p>Slide :Slide.Number: of :File.TotalSlides:</p>

Screenreader users may appreciate extra navigational aids to help them determine where they are in the presentation. Using the :Slide.Number: and :File.TotalSlides: placeholders here produces text like "Slide 1 of 8" in the HTML. The screen reader reads this aloud right after it reads the slide title.

<CENTER><H2>:Slide.Ph.SubtitleText:</H2></CENTER><FONT SIZE="4">:Slide.Ph.BodyText1_AsBullets.HTML:</FONT>

Here, we use placeholders for both the slide's Subtitle and its Body Text. It may seem odd to ask for both in one HTML page, but since PowerPoint slides can have either a subtitle or body text but not both, and since PPT2HTML blanks out any placeholders it can't "fill" with data from the presentation, this bit of trickery is the equivalent of code that says:

If this is a title slide layout and this slide has a subtitle then put the subtitle here
If this is not a title slide and it has body text, then put the body text here

Using :Slide.Ph.BodyText1_AsBullets.HTML: instead of one of the other body text placeholders forces PPT2HTML to format the body text as HTML text, complete with different levels of bullet indents.


Start a table to hold the text-only navigation aids we're about to add


The first cell of the table is a link to the next slide in the presentation, but it becomes blank if we're on the last slide in the presentation (ie, there IS no next slide). The :Nav.NextOrNothing: placeholder does this automatically. See PPT2HTML Placeholder Reference to learn how you can modify the text PPT2HTML uses when it produces one of these links.


A cell filled with non-breaking spaces as a spacer, then a cell filled with slide numbers, one for each slide in the presentation, and each a link to the html version of the slide.


Another cell with nonbreaking spaces as a spacer, then a link back to the previous slide, or a blank if we're on the first slide in the presentation.

<TD><CENTER><A accesskey="H" HREF=":Prefs.Homepage:">PPT2HTML Sample Conversions page</A></CENTER></TD>

A nonbreaking space-filled spacer cell then a link back to the home page specified in the Preferences dialog.
Setting Accesskey="H" allows the user to press Alt+H+Enter to activate the link without having to locate it manually. By using different placeholders for the Next and Previous links, we could also supply access keys for these.


Close the table, close the body section, close the html section.

Here's an even simpler version you may prefer:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<CENTER><H2>:Slide.Ph.SubtitleText:</H2></CENTER><FONT SIZE="4">:Slide.Ph.BodyText1_AsBullets.HTML:</FONT>
<TD><CENTER><A HREF="Prefs.Home">Home</A></CENTER></TD>
<TD><CENTER><A HREF=":Nav.PreviousOrHome:">Previous</A></CENTER></TD>
<TD><CENTER><A HREF=":Nav.NextOrHome:">Next</A></CENTER></TD>
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