The KIOSK template
The Kiosk template is almost identical to The BASIC template, so we won't repeat all the gory details. The only difference is this in the HEAD section of the HTML, which makes it advance from slide to slide automatically:
<head> :Slide.TransitionEffect.MSIE.HTML: <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content=":Slide.AdvanceTime:; URL=:Nav.NextOrLoop:"> --- (Other stuff omitted here) --- </head>
We want the presentation to advance on its own, so we include HTML that makes this happen.
While you could hard-code links, advance times, transition effects and so forth into the template, it's more faithful to the original PPT if we let PPT2HTML to generate them automatically.
:Slide.TransitionEffect.MSIE.HTML: picks up the slide's transition effect and duration and uses them to create a metatag that looks like this:
<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealTrans(Duration=2,Transition=5">
That causes MSIE (though not necessarily other browsers) to display the slide with a 2 second WipeDown transition when it appears.
:Slide.AdvanceTime: picks up the slide advance time we've applied to each PowerPoint slide.
:Nav.NextOrLoop: becomes the name of the next slide in the presentation or, if we're at the end of the show, the name of the first slide in the presentation, so the presentation loops back to the beginning and starts over again automatically.
In concert, they tell the browser to advance to the next slide after HoweverMany seconds (the same as you applied in PowerPoint) and what html "slide" to display next.
Note that the user's browser settings may forbid the redirect that makes this work.
For this and other reasons, iIt's always a good idea to include navigation buttons so the user can control the presentation themselves.
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