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The FULLSCREEN template

The Fullscreen template gives us a large image centered in the browser window with a set of numbered links to all the other slides. As with Basic and Kiosk, there's a :Nav.Map: placeholder so PPT2HTML converts all of our action buttons and hyperlinks to a clickable image map.

The FULLSCREEN template, bit by bit

The usual suspects in the HEAD section, including a page title picked up from the Preferences dialog box:


And now the body of the page, but this time we set the background color to black thus:

<body bgcolor="#000000">

The image map and image of the PPT slide come next:

<center><img src=":Slide.Image:" width=:Slide.Image.width:&nbsp;

And now a table containing some text links:


:Nav.PreviousOrHome: gives us the name of the previous HTML file in the converted presentation (the slide previous to this one) OR a link to the home page specified in the Preferences dialog if we're already on the first page:

<a href=":Nav.PreviousOrHome:">Previous</a>

:Nav.LinksToAll: gives us a series of numbers; one for each slide we're converting. Each number is a clickable link to the slide of the same number:


:Nav.NextOrHome: is like the Previous link above, only it gives us the name of the NEXT html file in the presentation or the home page if we're already on the last slide.

<center><a href=":Nav.NextOrHome:">Next</a></center>

So far, so good. But then the browser raises its ugly head ...

Getting a presentation to run in full-screen mode within a browser, any browser, can be a real exercise in frustration.

Here's one approach we've found for Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) that works around most of its various idiosynchracies (that's how we mis-spell "bugs" here):

First, use this javascript link in the page that you want to launch the presentation from:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'path/to/startup.htm', '', 
'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=no, resize=no, toolbar=no, status=no, location=no, menubar=no');">
Click here to start your file</a>

Edit 'path/to/startup.htm' so that the path is the same as the path to your presentation's HTML files.

When someone clicks this link, it launches a new browser window and opens a file called "startup.htm" (which you should place in the same folder as your actual presentation files). The new browser window starts in fullscreen mode with the various MSIE status bars, toolbars etc. disabled.

In a perfect world, you'd only need to substitute the name of your first slide's html file for "startup.htm" and it'd work.
Too bad. Dreamtime's over, this is here and now and it won't work. MSIE cooperates 98% of the way but insists on putting a scrollbar at the right of the screen. That won't do.

So instead you start the show by launching "startup.htm" which contains this:

<title>Whatever title you like - since we're starting in fullscreen view, the title bar won't show, so it doesn't really matter.</title>

Startup.htm is really a frameset document with only one frame defined
MSIE respects our wishes re scrollbars in frames, so that's how we beat it at its own game
(In two places if you want to add the optional link to it for frameless browsers)

<frameset cols="*" frameborder="0" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0">
	<frame src="slide.htm">

<!-- frames-capable browsers will ignore this content 
     use it to supply a message or other instructions for browsers that can't handle frames
     Here we've given a link to the starting html page
Your browser doesn't seem to support frames.<br>
<a href="slide.htm">View a frameless version of our presentation here"</a>



What's going ON here??

What's the point of this lunatic dance? Something like this:


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